What are HTML tables?
HTML tables are a way to display data in a structured format on a webpage. They consist of rows and columns that intersect to form cells, and can be used to organize and present various types of information, such as lists, schedules, and pricing tables.
How do you create a table in HTML?
To create a table in HTML, you use the <table> element, which serves as the container for the table. Within the table element, you use additional elements such as <tr> (table row), <th> (table header cell), and <td> (table data cell) to define the structure and content of the table.
Here's an example of how to create a simple table with two rows and three columns using HTML:
This code creates a table with a header row and two data rows, each with three cells.
What are some common attributes used to format tables?
There are several attributes that can be used to format and style tables in HTML, such as:
- border: sets the width of the border around the table
- cellpadding: sets the amount of space between the cell content and the cell border
- cellspacing: sets the amount of space between cells
- width: sets the width of the table
- align: aligns the table within its containing element (e.g. left, right, center)
There are also various CSS properties that can be used to style tables, such as border-collapse, background-color, and text-align. By using a combination of HTML attributes and CSS properties, you can create tables that are both functional and visually appealing on your website.