A songs | music player with Hack way

A songs | music player

This code appears to be an HTML audio player that allows users to play a playlist of songs. It includes a set of controls such as play, pause, previous, and next buttons, as well as a volume control slider. 

The playlist contains a set of songs with their corresponding audio source URLs specified as data attributes. When the user clicks on a song in the playlist, its audio source URL is loaded into the audio player, and the corresponding song is played.

A songs | music player with Hack way :)

HTML CSS JS Copy The Code: A songs | music player with Hackway

  • Super rai morale
  • Senden Baska
  • Rockstar
  • Let You Down
  • MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)
  • Jssan (NoNo)
  • Jssan (Okay)
  • Rafti
  • Song 10

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