A web page article automatic link specific words:
This code is designed to automatically link specific words within paragraphs of a web page article. The code defines an object named wordsToLink that contains words to be linked along with their corresponding URLs.
The code then loops through each paragraph on the page and each word within the paragraph, checking if the word is present in the wordsToLink object. If the word is found, the code replaces it with a hyperlink that includes the URL associated with that word.
The resulting effect of this code would be that any instance of the words "search.linklinkgo.com", "hacking", "educational", or "Ethical" within the paragraphs of the article would automatically be turned into hyperlinks that would direct the user to the corresponding URL when clicked.
Copy That Source The Code with Hack way:
💙Hello Everyone💚: A web page article automatic link specific word HTML JavaScript:)
Yes, I know about hacking We learn and teach Any questions you can ask me! OK :)
This Channel is for help in searching for information on the internet if you face so many difficulties searching on the Internet then ask us for search help we are here to help you and save you time on the internet. If you face a Complex search then know this website search.linklinkgo.com is for you each and every time we are available for you for free.
DISCLAIMER This Channel :)
The information provided in this video is for general information and educational purposes only students should test cybersecurity techniques in the secured lab setup.
I do not take any responsibility and I am not liable for any damage or problem caused while implementing the tools and technique. We mostly focus on Programming, Tutorials, Security guides, Pentesting tutorials, and Ethical hacking. If you planned to use the content for illegal purposes, please leave this channel immediately.